Tax planning for businesses in Cheshire

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It is essential that businesses have access to tax advice throughout the year to ensure that they remain competitive. If you are paying less tax than a competitor you have a distinct advantage that can help you invest in and grow your business more rapidly.

We use our knowledge of generally applicable tax planning measures as well as industry specific tax schemes to ensure that our clients are not paying too much tax.

If you are starting up in business it is essential to receive the best advice from the outset. There are many decisions to be made so you need to make sure that they do not cause you problems later on. We recognise that start ups are wary of committing the expense of an accountant in the early days so we have put together a package that gives you free advice for the first six months. Contact us for more details.

Even if your have an accountant you can still take advantage of our free, no obligation tax review service to see if you could be more tax efficient. We often find that small businesses are neglected by their accountant and there are missed opportunities that could save a lot of tax. Use our service as a second opinion if you wish. Contact us to arrange an appointment.

Abacus Accountants is a trading name of Accountants in Cheshire Limited.
Company registration number 05727671 in England and Wales.
Registered office: 2 George House, Princes Court, Nantwich, Cheshire CW5 6GD.